Puppet Shows At Durant Arts Center
Durant Memorial Center 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Alexandria’s Office of the Arts hosts monthly puppet shows that are fun for the very young and the young at heart. The Saturday, June 15 puppet show at the Durant Arts Center, 1605 Cameron St., Alexandria, VA. This puppet show will feature Ingrid and Ole Hass performing Jack and the Beanstalk in a sensory-friendly show. Jack plants magic beans and adventures to a giant’s castle at the top of an enormous beanstalk.
Puppet show tickets are $6 per person.
To buy online, visit alexandriava.gov/Arts click on Durant Arts Center.
For more information or to request reasonable disability accommodation, contact cherylanne.colton@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.5565, Virginia Relay 711.
About Beech Tree Puppets:
Founded by Ingrid and Ole Hass in 2012, brings meaningful stories with sensory-friendly and Beech Tree Puppeteers feel that puppets can break down barriers, and provide insights and resolutions to cross cultural differences, and open people to new ideas and possibilities. Beech Tree Puppets have performed artful performances to schools, libraries and public theaters in the wider DC area.
About Office of the Arts:
A division of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities, the Office of the Arts promotes the value of arts and culture in Alexandria by nurturing, investing in and celebrating the creative contributions of artists and arts organizations. Through engaging the community, encouraging participation, and facilitating access to the arts, the Office of the Arts works with local artists and arts organizations to build a vibrant community for all of the City's residents, workers and visitors. Learn more at alexandriava.gov/arts or follow @alexartsoffice on Instagram and Twitter. Add to the conversation with #artsALX.