OUTDOOR Violin Concert: “Violin Masterworks: David Kim plays Handel and Prokofiev”
The Rectory on Princess Street 711 Princess St., Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Classical Movements
Violin Masterworks: David Kim plays Handel and ProkofievDavid Kim, violin | Jeffrey DeVault, piano
By popular demand, Philadelphia Orchestra concertmaster makes a second appearance in the Secret Garden with a program of gorgeous, virtuosic showcases for the violin:
• Handel's Sonata in D major was the last work he composed and is known as the "Great D Major" and is considered a masterpiece in the solo violin genre.
• Prokofiev's Sonata No. 2 also in D major is the centerpiece of this program, written at the urging of violinist, David Oistrakh. The expansive melody of the first movement flows into the dramatic scales of the second movement, followed by a dreamy third movement, and concludes with the explosive joy of the final movement. This piece is a beautiful conversation between the piano and violin.
• Kreisler's Preludium and Allegro is one of the more popular works for violin. With soaring melodies and brilliant passages, it requires great technique to play this challenging piece.
• John Williams’ heartbreaking violin theme from the film “Schindler’s List.”
Meet classical violinist David Kim. He started playing the violin at the age of three, a child prodigy since the age of six, began studies with the famed pedagogue Dorothy DeLay at the age of eight, and later received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from The Juilliard School. He was named Concertmaster of The Philadelphia Orchestra in 1999. Beyond his full time appearances well as recitals, speaking engagements, and appearances with orchestras across the United States.
Mr. Kim serves as Distinguished Artist at the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings at Mercer University in Macon. He frequently serves as an adjudicator at international violin competitions such as the Menuhin and Sarasate.
His instruments are a J.B. Guadagnini from Milan, Italy ca. 1757 on loan from The Philadelphia Orchestra and a Francesco Gofriller ca. 1735. Mr. Kim exclusively performs on and endorses Larsen Strings from Denmark.
Part of Sounds of Hope & Harmony series of outdoor, socially-distanced concerts. More details and tickets on website: https://www.classicalmovements.com/secretgardenconcerts/