Old Town Alexandria Historic Garden Week Tour
Maria Hopper
Stunning Garden at 206 Duke Street. The large birdhouse is a replica of the Grand Pagoda at Kew Gardens in Great Britain.
Enjoy Alexandria at the peak of spring at this fabulous one-day-only tour including five inspiring homes and gardens and six beautifully manicured public gardens including Carlyle House, Lee-Fendall House, River Farm, Gunston Hall, Mount Vernon and Green Spring Gardens.
Tickets are $55 each and are available at www.vagardenweek.org in advance or at the Alexandria Visitor’s Center located at 221 King Street in Old Town on tour day. Beautifully appointed homes will be resplendent with stunning floral arrangements created by members of Alexandria's Hunting Creek Garden Club and The Garden Club of Alexandria.
Stop by for complimentary light refre
shments at Old Presbyterian Meeting House, 316 S. Royal Street from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Public parking is available at numerous parking lots. Street parking is limited. Proceeds fund the restoration and preservation of more than 39 of Virginia’s historic public gardens and landscapes, a research fellowship program, and a Garden Club of Virginia Centennial project with Virginia State.