Holiday Bazaar at Grace
Grace Episcopal Church 3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22305
Grace Church
Get your gift shopping done while helping others! Find that special gift at Grace's Holiday Bazaar. Check out the crafters and merchants showing their wares and selling unique handmade items and more from 10:00-4:00 on Saturday, December 7th. The proceeds from the rental of space and the raffle items go to the Grace Episcopal Church Food Pantry. Each week, the food pantry provides staple items to Alexandria residents in need. This event is a great way to help those in need of assistance and admission is free!Want to do more?Bring an unexpired non-perishable food item to exchange for a raffle ticket! (Limit 3 tickets, but please bring as much as you want!)
Join us for the Holiday Bazaar at Grace and support our Food Pantry while getting your holiday shopping done!