George Washington Patriot Run
Mount Vernon Estate 3600 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Alexandria, Virginia 22121
Run Between Sept. 1-12Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th annual George Washington Patriot Run will be a virtual event.
While we will not record times, we encourage you to share your run via social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) with #GWPatriotRun.
On Saturday, September 12, Mount Vernon will host an optional, socially distanced Patriot Run Festival.
We invite participants and their family to come by the estate that day to:
- pick up participant t-shirts and medals
- listen to live music
- enjoy Mount Vernon Inn concessions
- have your photo taken at the Patriot Run Finish Line,
- participate in a live, socially-distanced, yoga class
Participants may enter for free and family/friends may attend by purchasing discounted tickets.
Photo courtesy of Mount Vernon Estate