French American Genealogy
Hollin Hall Senior Center 1500 Shenandoah Road 1500 Shenandoah Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22308
Mount Vernon Genealogy Society
Learn what records were created by these early French settlers from Genealogist Daniel R. Lilienkamp, J.D. at the Mount Vernon Genealogical Society’s October 19 meeting.
The population of New France was much smaller than the English Colonies in North America, but its vast territorial expanse left imprints from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson Bay. Learn what records were created by these early French settlers from Daniel R. Lilienkamp, J.D. at the Mount Vernon Genealogical Society’s October 19 meeting. Lilienkamp is renowned for his expertise in African American, German, Swiss, Alsace & Lorraine, French Canadian, Appalachian and Ohio Valley genealogy.
Register no later than October 15 to this FREE ZOOM event at OR by emailing
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