Green Spring Gardens 4601 Green Spring Road, Alexandria, Virginia

Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners
Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners
Register through Fairfax Park Authority Parktakes
EcoSavvy Gardening Faire
Plant Where You Live:
Embracing EcoSavvy Gardening Techniques
“Small-Space and Urban Gardens”
Kathy Jentz, Keynote Speaker
Additional Topics - Invasives, Putting your Garden to
Bed for the Winter & Wonders of the Glass House
Plus, many more educational tips and materials
Registration Fee $35
EcoSavvy Gardening educates and promotes
environmentally sound horticulture practices through
community outreach, renowned speakers,
demonstrations, exciting exhibitors & book sales.
Immerse yourself in sustainable gardening information provided by the VCE Master Gardeners. Choose program sessions with specialized speakers and topics, browse educational displays on gardening, composting and sustainable plantings. Enjoy a guided tour, demonstrations and free educational materials.