Cocktails with The Lafayette Escadrille Filmmaker
The Lyceum 201 South Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Holly Beardow
The Lafayette Escadrille Filmmaker
Join filmmaker Paul Glenshaw as he tells the story of The Lafayette Escadrille while making the Lafayette Cocktail, invented by Lafayette Escadrille pilots William Thaw and Raoul Lufbery. The film is the first-ever comprehensive documentary made about the founding squadron of American combat aviation during WWI, and one of the great stories of the French-American alliance. It is a shining example of young Americans standing up for a cause larger than themselves in a time of global crisis, and for our oldest ally, France. Space is limited for this intimate event to ensure social distancing. Masks are required per Alexandria City policies. Tickets are $18 and include two cocktails. Sponsored by the Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee.
Tickets can be purchased here:

The Lyceum