Alexandria Choral Society's "Snow Globe Series" Kick-Off Concert
Carlyle House 121 N. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Alexandria Choral Society
Alexandria Choral Society's "Snow Globe Series" is a collection of outdoor, pop-up-style performances around Alexandria in November and December 2021, featuring winter and holiday-themed repertoire.
The "Snow Globe Series" is a collection of outdoor, pop-up-style performances around Alexandria in November and December 2021, featuring winter and holiday-themed repertoire. Just as when a snow globe is shaken, one sees a slightly different, yet beautiful, scene -- our performances will be unique and tailored for each location and audience we reach. Like a snow globe, this series strives to capture moments in time and create unity by bringing beautiful music, and a sense of hope and togetherness, to close another very difficult year.
The kick-off for our Snow Globe Series will be held at the Carlyle House Historic Park in Old Town on Saturday, November 20, at 8:00 p.m. All performances will be free and open to the public, walk-ups are welcome. Donations are graciously accepted in any amount.
NoVa Parks