Photo courtesy of Penny Post
Penny Post and Meant To Be Calligraphy were featured on an episode of "Love is Blind" with Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans.
Two independently-owned Alexandria businesses — Del Ray-based calligraphy studio Meant To Be Calligraphy and Old Town paper goods shop Penny Post — are featured in the latest episodes of the hit Netflix reality dating show “Love is Blind.”
The series, in its seventh season, follows a diverse group of young professionals as they try to find love *before* first sight, getting to know one another by chatting in windowless “pods” and seeing if marriage-level attraction and connection can be forged before ever meeting face-to-face. If they believe they’ve found their match, engagements ensue and weddings follow quickly thereafter.
This season all of the participants live in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
One of this season's couples, Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans, took a private calligraphy class from Michele Hatty Fritz of Meant To Be Calligraphy at Old Town paper goods store Penny Post.
“It was exciting to get the call from Kinetic Content, the production company behind the show, asking if I would be interested in teaching a private workshop for Taylor and Garrett,” said Hatty Fritz, who has been offering calligraphy and brush lettering classes locally since 2011. “I love teaching and I was honored that they thought of me for this opportunity.”
Hatty Fritz immediately pulled Penny Post shop owner Amy Rutherford into the conversation
“We are so thankful to Michele for choosing us!," Rutherford said. "This was an amazing experience and we are so excited for Penny Post's and Michele's international debut."
On the day of the workshop, Penny Post closed to outside customers and the film crew from Kinetic Content rolled in. Penny Post’s visual designer Doug Mueller helped set up the store for its close up.
“I’ve taught these classes so often that I wasn’t nervous at all about the teaching part of the day. I was, however, a little nervous about being on camera. But the crew was lovely and Taylor and Garrett were great students!,” said Hatty Fritz.
Hatty Fritz said it was obvious to her that the couple was marched well.
To see more of Penny Post and Meant To Be Calligraphy on Love is Blind, tune into Season 7, Episode 10.
Plus, for those who are interested in learning calligraphy, Penny Post will be hosting Meant To Be Calligraphy’s popular workshops in the New Year! Registration is now open for both Intro to Modern Pointed Pen Calligraphy and Intro to Modern Brush Lettering workshops. Visit www.meanttobecalligraphy.com/learn to secure a spot in an upcoming class.